Varieties: COUPAGE Hojiblanca, Lechín, Ocal and Manzanilla
This variety of oil has a great personality and singular shades. It is extracted from the centenary olive trees inherited from our ancestors.
Our centenary olive trees are kept in a traditional agricultural way. The separation between olive trees is about 10-12m, which allows them to grow in a natural way without constraint.
The olives are collected when green or ripening. That is the time when both physical and chemical properties are in their optimum condition.
We are also careful that the olives are not damaged, and the oil is extracted in a cold environment on the day of collection, for a fresh, healthy fruity oil.
Sweet and very fragrant, reminiscent of green-ripe olives, with a spicy aftertaste.
It has a smooth taste and recalls olfactory perceptions and complexity. Its aroma has a great diversity of vegetables and herbaceous aromas, specially tomato, green apple and banana.
In mouth it reminds almonds and olive leaf.
Specially suitable for: Meat, shellfish, rice and vegetables.
We rigorously track the entire production process of the oil as to control all desired aspects to ensure a high quality extra virgin olive oil.