Aceite Aguilar Segura SL would like to inform you that our website uses cookies to track user’s navigation.
Cookies are files installed in the computer entering into our website with the intention described below.
The application used to obtain and track the navigation information are:
Google Analytics:
This application has been developed by Google, and offers us the service of visitors analysis of our website. This company could use this data to improve its own services and to offer them to another companies.
This tool does not get users names or surnames, not even the postal address of the connection. The information obtained is related with the number of website visits, the language, the social media where our news are published, the city assigned to the users IP address, the number of visitors, the frequency or relapse of the visit, the duration, the used browser, operator or type of terminal.
This information is used to improve our site, to detect new needs and to evaluate the improvements to be introduced in order to provide a better service to the users who visit us.
To allow, know, block or delete cookies installed on your computer, you can do this by setting the browser options installed on your computer.
For example you can find information on how to do it in the case of using as a browser any of the following:
Use of cookies and file activity
The provider could use cookies while an user is navigating by the website to provided measurement services, on its own or by a hired third party. Cookies are files sent to the website browser by means of a web server in order to track user activities during its navigation.
Cookies used by the website are solely linked with an anonymous user and its computer, but not provide user personal data.
Using cookies make possible that the server where the web is located, would recognize the browser used by the user in order to simplify navigation, allowing for example to logged users, the access to areas, services, promotions or contest exclusively set for them, without having to get log in any visit. This files are always used to track the audience, traffic parameters, control the progress and number of entries.
The user has the possibility to configure its browser to be aware of cookies reception and to avoid its installation. Please check the instructions and manuals of your browser for further information.
It is not necessary, for you or any other party acting on your behalf, to allow the installation of cookies to use this site, without prejudice that could be needed to log in as user in each services requiring our previous registering or “login”.
Cookies used in this website, have in any case, temporary nature with the only purpose of make more efficiency its later transmission. Under any circumstances cookies will be used to get personal data.
IP addresses
Website servers could automatically detect the IP address and the domain name used by the user. An IP address in an automatically number assigned to a computer when is connected to Internet. All this information is tracked in a server activity file correctly registered to allow the later data processing in order to get solely statistical measurement to know the number of printed pages, number of visits to a service, the order of visits, the point of access, etc.
This website use information security techniques generally accepted by the industry, as firewalls, access control proceedings and cryptographic mechanisms, with the aim to avoid the not allowed access to data. In order to this, the user/client accepts the provider to track data to authenticate access control.